
Todos en todos, is a gathering of the most important characters in Children's and Youth Literature from around the world. La letra i visited country after country, state after state looking for the stars that most boys and girls read about, the heroes who are most popular with young people ... Le petit chaperon rouge, from France, Pinocchio, from Italy, Anne of Green Gables, from Canada, El renacuajo paseador, from Colombia, have all arrived in Valladolid ... and now they are setting off from Spain, ready to travel around the world. The first two tests are 27 en 23 and AMERICA’S. In order to make these selections, just one figure per nation, we have worked alongside with the most important institutions in the field of culture in each country, such as ministries of culture, national libraries ... For 27 en 23 alone it has been over 3 years of consultation.

Todos en todos
Todos en todos
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La letra i Actividades Culturales SL · Trillo, 1 - 1º E · Santovenia de Pisuerga · 47155 Valladolid (Spain) · CIF: B47608617 · Dirección de contacto: Apdo. de Correos 6048 · 47080 Valladolid
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